The Adabawere Maternity Ward is Now Complete!

We are excited to announce the completion of the new Adabawere Maternity Ward and the Adabawere Clinicrenovation in Togo, West Africa! This partnership with Hope Through Health has been so dear to our hearts as it was the first project of our No Mom Left Behind Campaign and the first of several healthcare facilities Construction for Change and the 30/30 Project are building and renovating in Togo.The maternity ward is a spacious, fully equipped facility for women who have had few healthy and safe childbirth options, often delivering on stone tables with no electricity or running water. Now, upon completion, the maternity ward includes labor and delivery rooms, a waiting room, hospitalization room, newborn care room, and a midwife office. The Adabawere Clinic has been renovated to include power, water and latrines as well as much needed extra space for the lines of patients accessing care each day.  Thank you to our project managers Matt and Caroline for their nine months of volunteer service in Togo, managing and training a local construction crew.Hope Through Health partners with the Togolese Ministry of Health to supplement healthcare services in nine government clinics and has plans to expand to sixteen. Our efforts in Togo and our partnership with Hope Through Health is on-going with three more clinics under renovation. These clinics, when completed, will provide the Kara region of Togo with adequate health care, family planning resources, maternal care and delivery options, and much more!  We look forward to the grand opening of these facilities and thank you for making sure No Mom is Left Behind!

BlogIsabel Knox